The first stage

Every player who reaches level 10 gets the opportunity to change their profession for the first time. This will allow you to learn new skills, and will give you the opportunity to pass the "Class Improvement" twice at level 25 and 40.


  • 1-Class change Certificate
  • 10,000 Carats

How to get the 1st Class Change Certificate

  1. As soon as you reach level 9, find Lucas in the Village of Lupert, which is located in Berneo, and take the task "Specialization Test" from him, and then "Incident in Robleyville". In it, he will ask you to talk to Oshirus in the Village of Robleyville (located in the Southwest of Berneo).

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  1. After reaching Robleyville, talk to Oshirus and take the task "Terrible Alligators". He will explain that the village is constantly being attacked by alligators and will ask you to protect it.

  2. Having destroyed several swamp lizards, Oshirus will give you a new task — "Mutant Alligators", in which he will ask you to bring some teeth and claws of swamp sprinters to Brandon for study.

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  1. After talking with Brandon, take the "Robleyville Crisis" assignment from him.

  2. Brandon will ask you to kill a monster — a "Bloodthirsty tyrant."

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  1. After killing the Bloodthirsty Tyrant, go to Brandon and take the Mission Completion task, in which you will be told to report on the work done to Kilias.

  2. Contact Kilias and complete the task. As a reward, you will receive a Class Change Certificate

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  1. To change the class, talk to Kilias and click Develop Class (for this you need to have 10,000 Carats with you).